

Cheetahs (Sanskrit: chitraka, means "spotted", in English: cheetah, Latin: Acinonyx jubatus) is a member of the cat family (Felidae) that hunts by speed rather than tactics used to tiptoe or clustered. This animal is an animal that is the fastest among land animals and can reach speeds of 110 km / h in a short time to 460 m, with acceleration from 0-100 km / h in 3.5 seconds, faster than some of the race cars. That said, over the years cheetahs simply known as ghost stories. According to the story, a large predatory animal with stripes like a tiger on the body is often carried off the people who are on the border of Mozambique. Residents there often nicknamed cheetah with "magwa".

Cheetahs also known as the most efficient predators on earth. Chase and pounce on prey only when prey was within range. These animals belong clever with its ability to detect the weakest animals. He dropped the victim not to pounce like a lion or a tiger. But the small touches in the hind legs of victims who are being raced. When the victim fell, cheetah then pounced on the victim's nape then subsequently gripped by loss of blood.

Although well known as a fearsome hunter in the desert of Africa, but in fact only 40% to 50% of its hunting activities that produce results. Ever growing myth that heat is the cause why the cheetah fails to hunt. However, recent research has shown that cheetahs are beginning to eat its prey shortly after a successful hunt increased body temperature doubled compared with the cheetahs that stop hunting activity.

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