

Tigers (Latin: Panthera tigris) is an animal belonging to the phylum Chordata (having spinal cord), subphylum vertebrates (vertebrates), the class of mammals (warm-blooded, furry with mammary gland), meat eaters (carnivores), family Felidae (cat), panthera genus, and species belonging to the tigris.

The tiger is the largest cat species of the species, even bigger than the lion. Tiger also is the second fastest cat in a run, after cheetahs. In all carnivores, the tiger is a carnivore cat's largest and third largest carnivores after polar bears and brown bears.

Tigers usually rather large prey such as sambar, deer, pigs, deer, but will hunt small animals like hedgehogs prey rather large if it does not exist. Although derived from the same family, the tiger is different from the usual small cats, tigers love to swim, and is basically a cat afraid of water.

Known as the largest tiger cat, tiger sized like a lion but a little heavier. Different subspecies of tiger have different characteristics also, in general, male tiger weighs between 180 and 320 kg and females weigh between 120 and 180 kg. Male length between 2.6 and 3.3 meters, while females between 2.3 and 2.75 meters. Among the surviving subspecies, the Sumatran tiger is the smallest and the largest Siberian tiger.

In most tiger stripes varies from brown to black. Lorengnya shape and density of different subspecies from one another, but almost all the tigers have over 100 stripes. Javan tigers are now extinct striped the possibility of having more. Each tiger stripe pattern is unique, and can be used to distinguish one another, similar to a fingerprint function that is used to identify people. This is not, however, the recommended method of identification, the difficulties related to record a striped pattern on wild tigers. It looks like camouflage function is to camouflage, to hide them from their prey.

There are nine subspecies of tiger in the genus Panthera. Six of them are still alive today. The three remaining tiger subspecies have become extinct formally considered.

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